cloned animal

美 [kloʊnd ˈænɪml]英 [kləʊnd ˈænɪml]
  • 网络克隆动物
cloned animalcloned animal
  1. Dolly the sheep was the first cloned animal in the world .


  2. Dolly the sheep became the first cloned animal in 1996 .


  3. Successful completion of this project will establish a necessary accumulation for the next study on the cell level and for production of gene-targeting cloned animal .


  4. Here , an overview of structure and function in telomere and telomerase , and related study on embryo development in mammalian cloned animal , will be represented .


  5. Most of the research about interspecies cloning focuses on increasing the blastocyst development , analyzing hereditary material of the cloned animal blastocyst , investing the mechanism of interspecies cloning and difficult implantation .


  6. She was the first cloned farm animal inthe United States .


  7. Thymosin gene is about 343 bp and cloned from animal .
